Kondisi Empiris Penyederhanaan Eselon III dan IV pada Pemerintah Kota Sorong

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Andri Irawan Burhanudin Mukhamad Faturahman


Efficient and responsive improvement of public services can be done through echelons
simplification and multiplying functional positions that are directly oriented to the service.
However, the policy has not been implemented by the Sorong City Government because it has
specificity and resistance from local officials. The purpose of this writing describes and analyzes
the empirical condition of simplification of echelon III and IV of Sorong City Government. The
research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the echelon
simplification III and IV of Sorong City Government has not been implemented because it did not
get support from the Mayor. Bureaucratic culture in the echelon promotion system prioritizes
personal and hereditary closeness is the main obstacle to echelons simplification of Sorong city
government. In addition, the pride of the social status of echelon positions and the absence of
new functional position building agencies makes the ASN mindset focused on echelon positions
only and local governments have difficulty placing ASN in the appropriate agencies of the new
functional position. Supervision instruments for new functional positions have also not yet
properly constructed. The legality aspect, there is no legal regulation from the ASN law
derivatives on the new functional position system. The process of switching structural to
functional positions based on personal and hereditary proximity makes the function of the ASN
merit system not optimal so that until now the echelons simplification of the Sorong City
Government has not been carried out. The merit system can work if the behavior of bureaucrats
prioritizes service over culture. This study recommends that the central government arrange a
mapping of new functional position transitions in Sorong City Government and local assessor
institutions. In addition, it is necessary to change the mindset of echelon officials by making
legislation restricting the facilities of echelon officials.
Keywords:empirical condition, simplification of echelon III and IV, Sorong City Governmen

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How to Cite
Irawan, A., & Faturahman, B. (2021, October 18). Kondisi Empiris Penyederhanaan Eselon III dan IV pada Pemerintah Kota Sorong. Inovasi, 18(2), 123-136. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.33626/inovasi.v18i2.394