Inovasi Sosial dalam Mengatasi Masalah Stunting di Lombok Barat

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Pajar Hatma Indra Jaya Saptoni Saptoni Ahmad Izudin Rahadiyand Aditya Saparwadi Saparwadi Maryani Maryani


Stunting is still a social problem that the Indonesian government must resolve. The current
government prioritizes one hundred districts to address the problem. Although not all stunting
prevention programs run well, one district considered capable of solving the stunting problem
well is West Lombok Regency. This research is essential because many regions in Indonesia are
still struggling to find a suitable stunting management model. This study aims to find a model for
handling stunting in this area to reduce stunting rates significantly. For this purpose, researchers
conducted qualitative research by conducting interviews with the government and people of West
Lombok in overcoming stunting. This study found no determinant factors that caused stunting in
West Lombok. Stunting is influenced by many factors, from health, economy, people awareness,
environment-sanitation, to culture. Social protection programs in the form of conditional
assistance from the central government for the poor can also not overcome stunting. The
existence of families receiving assistance but still experiencing stunting proves the above
assumption. West Lombok government carried out the method of handling stunting in a top-down
manner through mainstreaming stunting handling in government programs. The Regent put a
"coercion" mechanism to all agencies within the West Lombok government to create a social
innovation program to overcome stunting. As a result, all agencies in the West Lombok
government have programs with unique names and ways to participate in reducing stunting. With
this mainstreaming, everyone understands the problem of stunting and makes it a common
problem that must be solved together so that the stunting rate in West Lombok has decreased
Keywords: stunting, program mainstreaming, social innovation, top-down policy, social

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How to Cite
Jaya, P., Saptoni, S., Izudin, A., Aditya, R., Saparwadi, S., & Maryani, M. (2023, October 23). Inovasi Sosial dalam Mengatasi Masalah Stunting di Lombok Barat. Inovasi, 20(2), 63-72.